Midday is the cut off time for same day delivery. However, providing we have time and the product to execute your order we will do our best to accommodate. If it must be same day, please contact us to discuss. Cancellation of an order must be at least 24 hours prior to delivery date. No refund for orders which have already been made or have left the premises.
GoDaddy, my web provider sends an automatic acknowledgement of receipt of your email order and also advises that you will receive an email confirmation. This confirmation is sent to you WHEN THE ORDER HAS BEEN DELIVERED.
The receipt issued with your purchase is not a tax invoice. If you require a tax invoice, please also supply Company name, Postal address and telephone number. Tax invoices will be emailed in the evening of the date ordered.
"Global supply remains a pinch point for Interflora's sundry items such as vases, baskets, etc. and we are allowing our Florists to substitute your sundries and flowers as needed"". Perth is the most remote capital city in the world. Very few sundry supplies are manufactured in Australia and indeed none in Western Australia and are impor
"Global supply remains a pinch point for Interflora's sundry items such as vases, baskets, etc. and we are allowing our Florists to substitute your sundries and flowers as needed"". Perth is the most remote capital city in the world. Very few sundry supplies are manufactured in Australia and indeed none in Western Australia and are imported from China and some items are not always available so we need to substitute with another sundry of equal value. Flowers are seasonal and there are times when a particular flower is not available so we substitute with a flower of similar size, shape, colour and value.